2 research outputs found

    Do Women and Men Perceive User Experience Differently?

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    We study three web sites to see whether there are systematic differences between women and men in their rating of the user experience of the sites. One of the sites addresses especially the target group of women, another the target group of men, whereas the third site is neutral in this respect. The selection of the sites was safeguarded with gender screening. The participants in the study rated the three chosen websites with the questionnaires UEQ and VISAWI-S. The results indicate that there are no substantial differences in the perception of the UX between men and women. Personal attitudes and preferences seem to have a substantially greater influence than sex

    Design and Evaluation of a Short Version of the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ-S)

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    The user experience questionnaire (UEQ) is a widely used questionnaire to measure the subjective impression of users towards the user experience of products. The UEQ is a semantic differential with 26 items. Filling out the UEQ takes approximately 3-5 minutes, i.e. the UEQ is already reasonably efficient concerning the time required to answer all items. However, there exist several valid application scenarios, where filling out the entire UEQ appears impractical. This paper deals with the creation of an 8 item short version of the UEQ, which is optimized for these specific application scenarios. First validations of this short version are also described